One of my most annoying past times, is waiting in line. I literally complain about everything while I am waiting. I complain about the long lines, especially when there is only one cashier open and 10 people waiting (THANKS WALMART). I complain about Suzy in front of me with no price tag on an item and now the cashier needs to get on the sound system and ask for someone in the bathroom department to get her the price on the loofa. Then they tell her the price and she decides, "nah I don't want it", after it took them 10 minutes to figure it out. I complain about the cashier who has an attitude and is moving slow as molasses like I have no where to go. Listen Linda, it's not my fault you work here.
My actual biggest complaint, is the person who is behind me in line thinking that the closer they stand to me, the quicker the line will move. Seriously Debbie, you need to back up. This line is not going to magically move faster because you want to keep clipping my heels. You're kidding me right?
It's just so easy to complain about shit but no matter how much I complain, it never changes the wait. My complaining doesn't make things move faster or change my circumstances to work out in my favor. Even when I was over the complaining and decided to take matters into my own hands because I was so frustrated, it would only make things worse. I know we have all been in a line taking forever and looked at the shorter line next to us and jumped on that line right behind Suzy. Then you stand there waiting and the person that was behind you in the old line, is now walking out the door!!!
It took me a long time and a lot of lessons to realize I need to trust the wait, find my joy in the wait and be active while waiting.
Trust God's timing, you are waiting for a reason. What you need may not be ready or better yet, you may not be ready. God loves us too much to give us things before we can handle it. It's a tragedy to be given something prematurely. Look at child actors, a lot of them are crazy as hell. And if we are being honest it''s because they entered into an adult business before it was their time.
Find the joy. Ignore those behind you complaining. Usually those people are just mad they have to wait longer than you and it's hard for them to be happy while watching you move ahead. And the same goes for you about the people in front of you. Celebrate their victories rather than being miserable that it wasn't you. Don't let your focus be adjusted, so you miss out on what God has for you. Someone else moving ahead, moves you further in line.
Make sure you are active in your waiting. I feel like a lot of times we are just waiting for things to fall into our lap. We want things so quickly but we've done nothing to obtain them. People are waiting on that promotion that they haven't even worked for. You're waiting for that husband that you haven't even prayed for. People are waiting on the effect without pushing for the cause. Myliek (the creator of CurlBox) was asked a question about what she does about failures. She said she realizes when there is something she doesn't achieve, she goes back and learns what she needs to in order to have that accomplishment. I think that's why being active in waiting is so important. Prepare yourself for your move forward so your opportunity doesn't pass you by.
And do not forget the line will move the way it is supposed to move. If you are supposed to move to another lane you will be called. A new cashier opens their register and they say, "NEXT IN LINE..." This is God's favor on your life. There will be times that you will jump ahead of people but there will also be many times that you wait.
So I just encourage you while you are waiting to make sure you are waiting with these things in mind.
#dearLine Am I up next?