This story is a revelation of you get what you ask for....
After taking the time to take care of myself I remember praying to God, like Lord, I've ignored every red flag you've given me about people and I just want the red flags to be bigger so I don't miss them. I want the red flags to have lights, sounds, & movement. If something is not for me I want to know immediately. Whew chile, let me see the red flags.
We all have that ex that we will always love but know deep down in our soul it will NEVER work! Well I don't listen to my soul, apparently LOL. So I contacted this ex, like I always do and we started hanging out again. We ended up grabbing dinner one night and the night was filled with laughs, vulnerability, truth and love. (This is how it always starts but it damn sure never stays there) We get up to leave and I'm swooning ya'll. Maybe he changed, I mean I changed. Maybe this can work, we can do this. So we go to get into the car and I unlock my car with the key fob. I get into the car and fob is gone. I have my key but not the electronic part. I started tripping because I got into the car, how could I get in the car without the fob? I used it to unlock the door, this does not make any sense.
So I began searching and could not find my key fob. After a very long time of searching, I ended up getting an Uber to my house with him to get my spare key. I'm sure you can guess when I got there my spare key couldn't be found. I decide to drive my mom's car back and call for AAA. Now we all know AAA takes 5 hours to get to you but this time they showed up in 30 minutes!!! Come on Jesus! I tell them to tow me home and I will figure it out. The first (yup FIRST) AAA employee said he would have to drag my car and mess up my gears because without being able to turn the car on, he could not put it in neutral. Since I did not want him to ruin my car, I told him forget it and he left faster than he got there.
Hopeless, I began to search again for the fob around my car, inside my car, down the street, in my pocketbook. I get into my car and realize my key would turn the car on but not start it. I call AAA back immediately because now I could get the car in neutral to be towed. This time AAA lives up to who they are and took 2 hours to show up. During this time of waiting I am still trying to find my key fob outside of my car. Oh and did I mention it's 40 degrees outside. Oh and it's about 3am. Oh and I have to work in the morning. Don't even ask me what he was doing during all of this.
AAA finally shows up and tows my car to the mechanic and I am instagramming the whole thing. Thank God for instagram! My friend sees my story and calls me to tell me he has my spare key!!!!! What? Seriously? Hallelujah!!!!!
I run to his house to get my key and I am able to get my car from the mechanic and drive her home.
My ex and I drive both cars to my house at 430am, because remember I still have my mom's car. Then I have to take him home.
Oh yeah you heard me, TAKE HIM HOME! He didn't offer to take an Uber home because it was almost 5am and I have to be up at 6am to go to work. And let's not address how while I was in the cold searching for my key fob the entire time, he was sleep in the passenger seat. And let's not even discuss how when I finally got him home, he picked a fight with me at 5 IN THE DAMN MORNING!!!!!!!!!
But hey, I wanted a RED FLAG...
God was like oh, you want a red flag???
He damn near shot off fireworks with a band marching down the street. He wanted to make sure I avoided any kind of foolishness. He wanted to make sure I ran into the red flag, tripped over it, picked it up, and started waving it my damn self. Needless to say I didn't go back out with my ex. LOL
#dearJesus Red Flag recognized