If you have been around with my blog from the beginning then you know every year for my birthday I share my BIGGEST lesson from the year. Well, tomorrow I turn 37 and I feel like this year I was all over the place with what I learned. It felt like everywhere I turned there was an experience trying to teach me something about something. I learned that sharing my heart through this blog is extremely therapeutic. I learned that if I act on my written goals & stay focused, I can achieve them. I learned that self care is not being selfish, it's actually showing others how much you love them. A better you, allows you to be better for them and to them. But truthfully, at the core of those lessons is the importance of consistency. I was consistent with my blog and it has brought upon a healing I didn't know I could have. I was consistent with my makeup career and worked more than I ever have. I was consistent with my skincare and have the best skin I've had my whole life. I was consistent with my health and have not felt better in a very long time. Consistency. Don't give up, no matter how tired you get, no matter how much you doubt yourself, no matter how many times you hear the word no, no matter how much you feel you are ill prepared or don't deserve it. Don't give up, stay consistent.
How can anything impact your life if you don't give it time to do so? I think back on the cleanse I just completed a few months ago. That cleanse really opened my eyes to the power I have. I spent 40 days on an extremely strict diet & taking 30 pills a day. What if I would've given up in the first week? What if I was not consistent? I would have never accessed the discipline I have within me, I would have never felt physically, mentally and emotionally stronger. Being consistent in that small area of my life has brought me a peace like never before and I never want to lose that.
I know 37 is going to be amazing because I am going to continue to be consistent in every area of my life. I am going to continue to do the work that is required to stay at peace and to stay free. That is the wave I am on. So cheers to 37. I pray you will bring on more lessons, more accomplishments, more joy, more peace, more love, more adventures, more surprises, more challenges that stretch me, and more room for me to grow.
#dear36 Thank you!