19 Apr

A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY until it comes to wine.....


Please don't act like it is just me who enjoys a tall glass (that sometimes turns into a bottle) of wine after a long, hard, frustrating day at work. Sometimes you just need to curl up on your couch watch a great show or read my blog and sip on some Pinot, actually Rosé all day. Wine just calms the soul and makes you think to yourself, "You know what, my co-worker does not deserve to die tomorrow. They can live to see another day," or "You know what, my husband does deserve the booty tonight even though he forgot to pick up the kids." or "You know what, these kids can miss a beating today even though they tore the house up."

The power of the wine....

So here's to my wine drinkers. The ones that know a glass a day keeps the doctor away. Okay maybe not the doctor, but it definitely keeps you out of jail. I salute the women in the world that do it all; the job, the husband, the kids, the school, the side job and after all is done and everyone is sleep, you curl up with a tall glass of wine and thank God you survived.

#dearwinos Cheers

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