20 Oct

Let me first ask this question.

If someone gives advice on a topic or current situation, does that person have to have experience with said topic or situation? Let me now give you an example.  Can a single person give advice to a married person?  Is their advice received or frowned upon because, "They ain't never been married,"?  Or is there a such thing as wisdom beyond your years and/or situations?  Can you advise someone on something you've never experienced personally but have sound advice to give?

I always come across this dilemma because 1. I've never been married and 2. I don't have kids.  I find myself biting my tongue tremendously because I don't want to have a debate about that issue. There are plenty of times I'm saying in my head, do I really need to have kids to know that your kid being 5 and still in diapers is a problem? Do I really need to have a ring on my finger to tell you he's been unemployed since you met him (15 years ago) so the likelihood of him going on a job interview this year is slim sis? 


Isn't it funny how you can have a bad experience at a restaurant and never go back?  However, your significant other sleeps with your cousin and you got excuses why you stayed?  And then want to say to me, you don't understand.  Yeah, you are right boo, I do not.

Kids is always a huge issue for me because I was raised by a mom who never made an excuse. She worked a full time job, helped us with homework, took care of my dad, cooked everyday, church every Sunday, PTA, football games etc with 4 kids.   Bedtime was bedtime, what was made for dinner is what you are going to eat.  My mother would dare us to complain about something she cooked.  Or better yet, dare you to act a fool in public. I'm just saying I may not have children but I have plenty of experiences with motherhood.  Yes, none came from my vagina but child truth is truth, discipline is discipline and your child needs a beating. 


LOL  Okay that just came out but you get the picture. I believe there are people who may not have experienced something first hand but can give you advice that is of quality.  Plus, hopefully the person you are seeking advice from loves you, cares for you and wants the best for you, so the advice they are giving is only in support of you.

I mean all that to say, I am still going to keep my opinion to myself, LOL  I seriously do not have the time to argue about me not having the "experience" and how that makes me unable to understand the struggle.

#dearknowitalls Do you really?

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