I had the opportunity to go hear Mikki Taylor speak at a Power Seminar in New Jersey last weekend. If you don't know, Mikki Taylor is the Editor at Large for Essence Magazine! My close friend, Keresse, had an extra ticket and invited me. I immediately said yes, which I never do, but I am so glad that I did. This safe place where women were able to share about their strengths, their weaknesses, their fears, their dreams and not be judged but accepted was what I needed. It was such an encouragement to me.
Mikki gave some amazing points at this event and one that stuck out to me was about having a celebration circle. Often times as we are going through this life and terrible things happen, we are surrounded by people that kick us while we are down. Or we are surrounded by people that watch us as we are in trouble, pointing instead of lending a hand. But what about when things are going great? What about when you land that big job? What about when you get approved for that loan? What about when you get into your dream school? What about when you find out you're pregnant? What about when you get that promotion? What about when you get engaged? What about when you get that good report from the doctor? Where are those people to celebrate with you? Where are those people you can call and tell the good news? I sat back and immediately ran down my celebration circle. I was thankful to be able to run them off one by one. The friends and family who have joy when I have joy, who are excited when I am excited. The ones who clap when I am winning! Once I confirmed my list, I questioned myself about who's circle am I in? Do my friends and family know that I am here to cheer them on and stand in ovation for their accomplishments? Do they know I'm excited for them to win big? Shoot, they better know!
The idea of a celebration circle was something I knew but never really focused on. I tend to have the, "I will clap for myself," mentality that I don't think about being surrounded by others who can clap for me. When something big happens we go home and pop champagne alone instead of calling our circle first to celebrate. Even when we have a circle, we still are hesitant to reach out. That has to change!
So I just want to say thank you to my circle. Thank you for loving me, encouraging me and rooting for me! Thank you for clapping for me and allowing me to take a bow for my achievements. Thank you Mom, Dad, Carl, Jason, Tal, Roger, Angie, Rami, Mike, Joey, Blossom, Sarah, Eb, JRo, Yaa, Barri, Keresse, Erica, Darryl, Buchie, George, Ashley, Brennan, Marcia, & Steve. I can't thank you enough.
#dearCircle it's always a celebration when we link up!