16 Feb

This post is dedicated to my coworker.. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii (in our high pitched voice)
There are many times people come to me asking for help with their routine and every time I tell them if you don't have the time to commit, don't waste my time. No matter what I recommend, it will not work if you are not consistent. This is not something that you can do once a week and expect your skin to change. You don't go to the gym once and walk out like where are my abs???!!!!

So anyway, I obliged my coworker because she's been complaining about her skin forever!! She has extremely dry skin, like flaky, cracking, you need to just walk around with a pound of moisturizer & a gallon of water kind of skin. I of course ask her to share her routine with me so I can better assess. She explained to me that she only washes her face and applies her moisturizer, inconsistently.  The products she was using for this process were a acne prevention cleanser (wrong step #1) and a regular moisturizer like cetaphil (wrong step #2).

I am a firm believer that if there is a problem, when you finally get to solving it, GO ALL IN! I told her you need a whole hydration routine. Your skin being that dry is just a recipe for wrinkles. First of all, you need to drink water. Like water, water. Like eat and drink, water. Then I immediately thought of some products and lines that could help with extremely dry skin. She reminded me about Botanics from watching my skincare routine on my Instagram. I live for their facial oil and I remembered they had several lines to choose from so I thought this would be a good idea. The extra bonus is the entire line is available at Walgreens! Yup, drugstore life. 

So let me give you the steps I gave her. Now I know my coworker is not going to do 10 steps, shit she probably won't do 4. So I had to make sure to find something she can commit to. I told her a cleanser is a must and when dealing with dry skin I prefer a cleansing oil or cleansing balm. These cleansers leave your skin hydrated and not stripped like others. Especially an acne cleanser. An acne cleanser dries out the skin to dry out the pimples. After the cleanser I suggested a facial oil. An oil promoting radiance/hydration. Then lastly, your moisturizer. 

3 items to change her whole life! Now listen, I am not trying to toot my own horn but....


The same day after we went shopping, she texted me this message.

I was excited that I could help her and I know if she stays consistent she will see a complete change in her skin texture. But if she quits and complains to me, I am going to throw every product that she bought at her face.


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