27 Oct

I'd like to think I was a person who takes risks.  Like if I was standing at a cliff, I would jump.  It may take me a second to do it, but it will get done.

In the middle of my senior year of high school I decided to go to college.  

When I "flunked" my first year of college I abruptly decided not to go back and moved back home. After a year of working 2-3 jobs my dad gave me an ultimatum, work or go back to school, I did both.

After finally graduating college (7 years later) I had no idea what I was going to do, so I went to missionary school in Florida and then moved overseas to Thailand for a few months.

When I came back from Thailand I up and moved to Boston.  Literally made the decision in 30 days. Packed up my car and never looked back.  (Well I looked and came back, LOL)

After living and working in Boston for 5 years I made a decision overnight to move back to New Jersey.  When I tell you overnight, I really mean overnight.  So fast that I packed a van and moved my things, overnight.

When I think back on all these decisions, some that started terrible, some ended up terrible and others I terribly miss, all of them taught me so much about myself.

Jumping right into college made me believe that even in procrastination I still can get it done. LOL  

Flunking my first year of college taught me nothing comes easy, everything needs to be worked for.

Going back to college and working 2-3 jobs taught me about the hustle.  It made me believe I have the power to do it all.

Going to YWAM and doing missionary work, taught me how to trust God.

Moving to Boston taught me to never ever in my life ever...nevermind. But I did learn that my first priority is myself because everyone else's first priority is themselves. And not in a selfish way but in a, if shit goes down I gotta save myself kind of way.

Moving back home taught me that my parents are my greatest support system.  No matter when, no matter where, no matter what, they will be there.

So it is true, where there is risk, there is reward.  There is growth, there are lessons in taking a leap. There is everything you need in going for it.  Jumping without a safety net is sometimes crazy but not if you have a parachute.  Sometimes that parachute needs to be assembled on the way down but the lessons you learn in that process are priceless. In every situation I never felt equipped to follow through with my decision but once it was made, I got ready.  It's amazing how the things we are afraid to try, when we do, that fear turns into determination.

So cheers to my "overnight" decisions.  Cheers to trusting my gut and believing that no matter what decision I make I will always be okay. What risky decision are you avoiding?  Why won't you take it?

#dearRisk let's JUMP

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